Books Of The Bible
I went to *Genesis* hotel through *Exodus* road. On the way, I saw *Leviticus* recording the *Numbers* of people at *Deuteronomy*, while *Joshua* was waiting at the Beautiful gate for *Judges* to see *Ruth* calling loudly *”Samuel*, *Samuel*. At a stage, the *first and second Kings* of *Chronicles 1 & 2,* were coming to visit *Ezra*, *Nehemiah* and *Esther* for the misfortune of *Job* their brother. They started singing *Psalms* and teaching children *Proverbs* concerning *Ecclesiastes* and *Songs of Solomon*. This coincided with the period that *Isaiah* was engaged in *Jeremiah’s* *Lamentations* together with *Ezekiel and Daniel* their friends. By that time, *Amos* and *Obadiah* were not around. Three days later, *Hosea*, *Joel* and *Jonah* travelled in the same ship with *Micah* and *Nahum* to Jerusalem. *Habakkuk* then visited *Zephaniah*
who introduced him to *Haggai* a friend of *Zechariah* whose cousin is *Malachi*.
Immediately after the tradition, *Mathew, Mark, Luke and John* got involved in *Acts* of the *Romans* who were behaving like the *1st Corinthians* group because the *2nd Corinthians* group were always at loggerheads with the *Galatians*. At that time too, they realized that the *Ephesians* and *Philippians* were close to the *Colossians*, and a suggestion for the *first Thessalonians* visit was made, and that on their *second Thessalonians* visit, they should first of all see the *first and second of the Timothy* brothers who had gone to the house of *Titus* to teach *Philemon* his younger brother how to read and write in *Hebrew*. On hearing this, *James* asked *Peter* twice to explain to him how the *three Johns* have disclosed to *Jude* the *Revelations* of this journey.
Enjoy your day 🙂